5 min readJan 10, 2022


Arkycia will offer users a Metaverse that is modern, innovative, and has a real economy in it that empowers all of its users.

Decentralized Metaverse

Metaverse and cryptocurrencies are the most advanced and most innovative innovations of the decade. These two innovations are the result of technological developments developed by many developments globally. And even now developers can develop Metaverse and combine it with Cryptocurrencies, which will make the Metaverse platform more modern and profitable for all its participants. And this is what Arkycia has to offer, namely an entry-level metaverse space developed for global users. By combining the concept of Metaverse with cryptocurrency, Arkycia presents a Metaverse platform that not only allows users to be able to do activities like in the real world but also earn from their activities. Because Arkycia provides features that will allow users to generate revenue from the various features provided. So this can be a new source of income for users.

By launching on BSC, Arkycia will offer users a Metaverse platform with a transaction system that is faster, secure, and low fees compared to the BSC chain. So that users do not need to think about high fees for their transactions.

About Arkycia

Arkycia a Virtual Cosmocracy Metaverse, a remarkable VR world for you to Own Land, Build Buildings, Explore, Socialize, Do Business, Make Friends, Find your Partner, Earn and Have Fun.
Arkycia, a first of its sort hyper realty metaverse stage with advanced highlights. Arkycia, a computerized form of earth which was made for the genuine motivation behind decentralization and advanced cash.

Why Arkycia Metaverse is Unique and Special?

Our Metaverse, Arkycia Metaverse is extraordinary in all angles. Arkycia metaverse is made to fabricate a genuine arrangement and an incentive for individuals’ time and cash. We required 3 years, to make the idea of Arkycia metaverse to give genuine experience to the clients. We needed clients to have a vibe, the genuine like feelings and qualities. Also we are glad to report, we prevailed in the mission. This makes our Arkycia Metaverse remain solitary and one of a kind.

We as a whole have many dreams, In Arkycia we call it equal life. Release us with a model. We are dependably looking for a fantasy home in this actual world regardless of whether we have one. We might think that it is hard to have our fantasy home because of many variables. Another model we can discuss a vehicle. We might be driving an auto yet dream about a Lambo or Ferrari. Arkycia is made to satisfy every single such dream. In Arkycia the client can purchase their fantasy vehicle essentially.

Metaverse Properties ( Land/ Building NFT)

Arkycia virtual world is built over AI and mapping technologies, where lands and properties, assets are directly linked with the physical world maps. Unlike the other metaverse projects, Arkycia does not include the lands, roads, rivers, etc., as a digital asset since their value will get reduced at a certain point. The mirror or a clone of the existing real-world is the underlying creation of Arkycia. The whole world with all the exact locations of the building is just like a map replicating the real world. People can buy a real valuable virtual real estate, which will be a huge value for their lifetime. Arkycia selling real properties that will generate great revenue.

Users can build any kind of buildings like offices, malls, airports, casinos, virtual theatres, etc., Arkycia provides a user-friendly web-based property building tool, where the user can create the exterior and interior of the building. Arkycia provides 1000s of re-built structures for buildings. Users can use the re-build structures or they can design their own. Arkycia will drive the virtual economy by nature

ARK Token

Arkycia (ARK) token is the utility token in Arkycia Metaverse. The tokens can be used to buy Arkycia properties and for all transactions inside Arkycia. The business users need to have the tokens to run their businesses in Arkycia. ARK is like currency in the real world. You can buy the land using Arkycia metaverse tokens, then you can build anything you want.


Token name: Arkycia Metaverse

Token Ticker: ARK

Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain

Total Supply: 100 Billion


Arkycia Metaverse is unique. One unique aspect of our metaverse is that it allows the user to earn money. Arkycia is launching 30,000 political NFT, which you can buy. The NFTs permit you to even rule the corresponding Country, State, City, or County. Political Positions NFTs will generate a passive income. The user can buy land with ARKY Token, create your business profile, Start any kind of business. You can do the same business you are doing in this physical world, or you can really go creative, find another business or any number of businesses you want. You can search for a Metaverse Job, join a company, and start earning. Build any kind of Metaverse Applications or Games and launch in Arkycia Metaverse and start earning. The possibilities of earning in Arkycia Metaverse are limitless. It is really cool!

#NFT #MetaverseNFT #VirtualLand #VirtualWorld #virtualrealestate #Metaverseland #Blockchain

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Forum Username: Kenconowungu
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bep-20 Wallet Address: 0x57d6b58e31c2746c3e754e25b8aa02268d4667bc

